Even the most successful small businesses can benefit from a financial boost from time-to-time. A short-term loan can give you that quick financial support you need to weather fluctuations in trade, or even offer you a golden opportunity to take things to the next level.
Maintaining your place in the retail and hospitality sector can also be an expensive game. To attract new customers, you’ll probably find you need to dig deep into your pockets occasionally to keep things fresh.
Here’s how you could use a loan to give your hospitality or retail business an extra push.
Upgrade for an all-new look and feel
Customers usually gravitate to cafés, bars, restaurants, hotels and retail stores that offer exciting experiences. Taking out a loan could give you the means to keep your venue or store on trend with new interior design, furniture and fixtures and fittings. Even if you’re an online retailer, a financial boost could help you create a state-of-the-art website that drives sales.
Explore expansion opportunities
Just because you spot the perfect opportunity to expand, it doesn’t mean you have the cash to make it happen. For example, imagine your biggest competitor has just pulled out of nearby premises. A loan could be what it takes to secure a new lease or buy additional premises when a golden opportunity just won’t wait.
Putting time and resources into marketing and promotional activities can help you get the most out of your offers, sales or even a new menu. So, loan funds could enable you to engage marketing experts or organise seasonal events that you haven’t budgeted for but know they’ll deliver a well-timed return.
Hire and train staff
Keeping staff headcount down might seem like a savvy idea but what is it really costing? Overworked staff can lead to low retention and increased hiring costs while they’re also probably not giving your customers the best service. Even if it’s just to cover a busy period or to keep your standards high, consider using a short-term loan to bring in more staff or provide immediate training.
Buying more inventory
Don’t be restricted by your cashflow; loans can come in handy when it comes to capitalising on a busy period, whether you’re a restaurant stocking up for Valentine’s Day or retailer gearing for Christmas. Alternatively, a boost of cash could help you get ahead by loading up on inventory before known price increases kick in.